RelationshipsAct 77
Today’s post is brought to you by Don Taylor, language arts and social studies teacher at Main Street Middle School in Montpelier and co-director of PLP Pathways.IntroductionThe PLP Pathways collaborative…
RelationshipsAct 77
For PLP Pathways, today marks the start of summer. Yesterday, we finished the 2017-2018 school year with the closing of the Middle Grades Institute at Castleton University. As always, the Institute gave…
Act 77Reflection
Today’s post is brought to you by Kevin Hunt, middle level generalist at Williston Central School and PLP Pathways contributor. It seems whenever there is a paradigm shift in education it is always accompanied…
Act 77CollaborationCommunityPLPs
Today’s post is brought to you by Don Taylor, language arts and social studies teacher at Main Street Middle School in Montpelier and co-director of PLP Pathways.Welcome to the 2017 - 2018 edition of PLP…
Act 77Proficiency Based LearningPLPsSTEM
This blog post is from U-32 science teacher and PLP Pathways contributor Alison Gauthier.On the Global Studies end, learners focused on various countries and policies in place to combat climate change.…